Saving Lives & Protecting Frontline Healthcare Workers Through Better Data
MONTREAL, July 7, 2020 – We are now gaining an understanding of the impact of this global pandemic. Infection rate drives the need for better data collection, analysis and reporting in real-time. Addressing contamination control for our healthcare facilities becomes ground zero in preventing and controlling an outbreak.
In their efforts to fight the pandemic and contain its spread, Novatek Medical Data Systems has developed a Disease Control and Hygiene Monitoring (DCH) solution.
DCH’s objective is to help governments, hospitals, and healthcare facilities sound the alarm in the early phases of an infectious disease outbreak. Early detection is achieved by the tracking and trending of all persons’ body temperature as they enter these facilities. Containing an infectious disease outbreak in its earliest phases can help protect lives and help in the fight to control the spread.
Prevention, preparedness, and rapid response are crucial necessities for the daily operations of all healthcare facilities and their infrastructure. The DCH application alerts early detection of microbial or viral contamination via four control measures:
- Monitoring Entrances
- Monitoring People
- Monitoring Rooms
- Monitoring Equipment
These control measures, combined with Infection Disease protocols, allow for the most robust continuous monitoring system for effective Disease Control so that governing bodies can react quickly in containing the outbreak.
Using Novatek’s Medical Data System’s Disease Control and Hygiene Monitoring Software will allow hospitals to benefit by reducing risk, saving lives, and protecting the population. The system permits:
- Real-time data management and risk-based monitoring
- Segregating and monitoring individuals with fever
- Reducing risk of contamination from visitors, patients, and personnel
- Reducing medium and long-term healthcare costs
- Reducing risk of financial loss
- Determining sources contaminations and spread (root cause)
- Fast implementation with 24/7 support
The system alerts responsible groups and individuals in real time. Healthcare institutions can adopt and enforce best practices for preparedness, data collection, early-warning systems, rapid-response and ultimately; timely decision making.
Watch Part 1: Monitoring Entrances of our Got 15 minutes webinar series on Novatek MDS’ Disease Control & Hygiene Monitoring Software here:
Register for free for the rest of the webinar series here:

About Novatek MDS
Established in 2008, Novatek Medical Data System’s mission is dedicated to help healthcare facilities leverage their investment in information technology and quality processes by reducing cost, improving productivity, and enhancing compliance. Novatek Medical Data Systems applications improve patient care; enhance healthcare processes, while decreasing costs. As a healthcare solutions provider we bring our expertise to the aid of healthcare professionals allowing them to reduce their paper burden and focus on helping patients. For more information on Novatek Medical Data Systems visit: